Ruth Fletcher

Ruth Fletcher has nurtured positive transformation in individuals and systems through teaching and spiritual leadership for over thirty years. She is an ordained minister of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and a graduate of the School of Theology at Claremont. Her books include Teaching Peace, Take, Break, and Receive, The Teaching Ministry of Elders, Thrive: Spiritual Habits of Transforming Congregations.



Upcoming Programs by Ruth Fletcher

Standing Like a Tree

July 14 - 18, 2024

Explore inner landscapes and share reflections in response to writings by Wendell Berry, Ram Das, David Wagoner, George Ella Lyon, Muriel Barbery, and Mary Oliver. You will have the opportunity to journal, draw with ink and charcoal, and to share their stories with others in the group. Rooted: How can we steady ourselves amid stress […]